A 9 year old awardee
« If you're struggling to win your first National Institutes of Health grant, here's another reason to be depressed: One of the most unusual NIH awards ever given went to a 9-year-old boy.
It was February 1957. Terence Boylen of Snyder, NY, near Buffalo, and his next-door neighbor, Bruce Cook, who had cerebral palsy and was confined to a wheelchair, were backyard astronomy buffs who dreamed of building a rocket that could fly to the moon. The final hurdles in the nation's polio vaccination program had been overcome. There was great optimism that science, supported by a vibrant research grant system, had the potential to cure diseases and unlock nature's mysteries.
Boylen's father, John, was a physician and medical researcher at the University of Buffalo. Terence asked his father where government research money comes from. John Boylen, busy reading medical school applications, replied simply that it comes from NIH. So, on Feb. 9, 1957, Terence sent NIH his grant application:
Dear Sir,
My friend and I are very interested in space travel and have a great idea for a rocket ship. We were wondering if we could have a little sum of money ($10.00) to fulfill our project. We would [be] most grateful if you would send it to us.
Terence Boylen
Boylen's letter made its way to Ernest M. Allen, head of NIH's fledgling Division of Research Grants and one of the key architects of the agency's peer-review grants system. "Ernest Allen was a missionary for science," says Richard Mandel, a historian at NIH. "He had a genuine and simple kind of faith that the expansion of science would lead to the conquest of diseases. He had an enormous impulse to expand science." At a March 12, 1957, meeting of the National Health Advisory Council, Allen took time from a packed agenda to read aloud Boylen's request. The council members, struck by Boylen's youthful enthusiasm, passed the hat and collected $10.00.
Flush with funds, Boylen and Cook experimented with various rocket nozzle designs and propellants. Within months, they successfully launched a 4-foot rocket, with Boylen's pet white mouse in the nosecone, high in the air, until it disappeared from sight. The nosecone parachuted to safety and was recovered some 10 miles away, mouse passenger unscathed. "We were flabbergasted," Boylen says. "We simply lucked out."
Back at NIH, inspired by Boylen's rocket grant, if not by his experiment, Allen began thinking about training programs for undergraduates in medicine and health. Allen established a small pilot program for high school biology teachers to teach summer lab classes. Later, NIH established summer internship programs to bring high school, college, and graduate students to the Bethesda campus.
After the rocket experiments, Boylen spent several summers studying in his father's laboratory, at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) in Salisbury Cove, Maine, where the family vacationed. But in college, he decided to become a professional musician and toured with Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, and the Eagles. "I'm not sure how good a scientist I would have been," Boylen says. "It takes a lot of discipline, and my inorganic chemistry was pretty terrible."
But Boylen maintains a fondness for medicine. He established the Boylen Foundation for International Medical Research, which brings students from Europe to the United States, and serves as trustee and chair of the board of MDIBL. "Luckily, since I got back into raising money for research, I'm working with doctors all the time," Boylen says. "The fascinating part of medicine is still there." »
by Ted Agres
It was February 1957. Terence Boylen of Snyder, NY, near Buffalo, and his next-door neighbor, Bruce Cook, who had cerebral palsy and was confined to a wheelchair, were backyard astronomy buffs who dreamed of building a rocket that could fly to the moon. The final hurdles in the nation's polio vaccination program had been overcome. There was great optimism that science, supported by a vibrant research grant system, had the potential to cure diseases and unlock nature's mysteries.
Boylen's father, John, was a physician and medical researcher at the University of Buffalo. Terence asked his father where government research money comes from. John Boylen, busy reading medical school applications, replied simply that it comes from NIH. So, on Feb. 9, 1957, Terence sent NIH his grant application:
Dear Sir,
My friend and I are very interested in space travel and have a great idea for a rocket ship. We were wondering if we could have a little sum of money ($10.00) to fulfill our project. We would [be] most grateful if you would send it to us.
Terence Boylen
Boylen's letter made its way to Ernest M. Allen, head of NIH's fledgling Division of Research Grants and one of the key architects of the agency's peer-review grants system. "Ernest Allen was a missionary for science," says Richard Mandel, a historian at NIH. "He had a genuine and simple kind of faith that the expansion of science would lead to the conquest of diseases. He had an enormous impulse to expand science." At a March 12, 1957, meeting of the National Health Advisory Council, Allen took time from a packed agenda to read aloud Boylen's request. The council members, struck by Boylen's youthful enthusiasm, passed the hat and collected $10.00.
Flush with funds, Boylen and Cook experimented with various rocket nozzle designs and propellants. Within months, they successfully launched a 4-foot rocket, with Boylen's pet white mouse in the nosecone, high in the air, until it disappeared from sight. The nosecone parachuted to safety and was recovered some 10 miles away, mouse passenger unscathed. "We were flabbergasted," Boylen says. "We simply lucked out."
Back at NIH, inspired by Boylen's rocket grant, if not by his experiment, Allen began thinking about training programs for undergraduates in medicine and health. Allen established a small pilot program for high school biology teachers to teach summer lab classes. Later, NIH established summer internship programs to bring high school, college, and graduate students to the Bethesda campus.
After the rocket experiments, Boylen spent several summers studying in his father's laboratory, at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) in Salisbury Cove, Maine, where the family vacationed. But in college, he decided to become a professional musician and toured with Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, and the Eagles. "I'm not sure how good a scientist I would have been," Boylen says. "It takes a lot of discipline, and my inorganic chemistry was pretty terrible."
But Boylen maintains a fondness for medicine. He established the Boylen Foundation for International Medical Research, which brings students from Europe to the United States, and serves as trustee and chair of the board of MDIBL. "Luckily, since I got back into raising money for research, I'm working with doctors all the time," Boylen says. "The fascinating part of medicine is still there." »
by Ted Agres

Há dias em que tudo parece bem!
O ser que acorda ao teu lado e te beija no rosto…”bom dia!!”; o duche quente que te consola a alma ainda meio adormecida; o café que emana o aroma que tu tanto amas; o sol que acaricia-te suavemente e consegue roubar-te um sorriso…
O mundo espera-te! Os amigos e inimigos, os conhecidos e os estranhos; o movimento, o ruído, o cão que atravessa a rua, alguém que te segue com o olhar; um encontrão, um perdão; um passa-bem, um olá!
Paras por um minuto! Pensas no dia que agora começou, nos compromissos e objectivos, nos tempos mortos e nas conversas, nas companhias e nas refeições. Olhas para o relógio, o minuto que tu paraste transformou-se em horas. Sorris, estás bem contigo mesmo…
Ao voltares ao mundo, onde o sol já está à tua guarda no amanhã, apercebeste dos teus sentidos mais que nunca!
Há dias em que tudo parece bem!
Pensas, sentes… será que para o mundo o dia também lhe pareceu bem?
Há dias em que o que parece não é! Há dias em que aquilo que os outros vêem quando te olham não é o que transpareces, e tu sabes isso muito bem!!
Optas por ignorar, guardar para ti, esquecer ?? Não é isso que o teu mundo espera de ti… não foi isso a que tu o habituaste! Tu sabes o ser que és, o valor que tens, o que significas para tudo e para todos.
Não deixes de seres quem és enquanto te sentes a viver, não deixes nada nem ninguém fazer de ti aquilo que tu não queres ser.
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